
Being an adult is… a lot. Last week I got very little work done, and yet I was so busy, I never felt like I was procrastinating. Just CONSTANTLY ADULTING.

This week is starting the same way. This morning, we got served with a court summons. And yeah, that’s about as nerve-wracking as it sounds. At least it was nerve-wracking for me. Perhaps if I were expecting the summons, or knew it was a possibility, I wouldn’t have been so stressed out. Thankfully, Donna was at work, and she wasn’t here to experience the mortification.

The issue has to do with healthcare. Over the past year, Donna has had 3 surgeries. Early on, we paid so much for things that we met our, “total out of pocket” limit with our insurance company. That means services are supposed to be covered 100%, without any co-insurance required on our part. But the insurance company disagreed, apparently. They didn’t cover all of the anesthesia bills, and that company sent our bills (which we thought were covered) to collections, which then went to court.

The only explanation I can come up with is maybe the separate billing from the anesthesia company was out-of-network, even though the surgery was in-network. But at this point, that’s just a guess. I spent the entire morning making phone call after phone call to get the bills, fees, legal costs, etc. paid off so the court case can be dismissed. Plus I dug up other bills during the process that I paid off before the same thing happens again.

And to add insult to injury, due to my job loss, we ended up changing insurance companies partway through the gauntlet of surgeries, which adds another layer of frustration. Not because the insurance companies aren’t covering things, but because the doctors (and anesthesia places, which are separate) bill the wrong insurance company every single time.

Anyway. I think we’re no longer in legal trouble. It cost $1,100 dollars today, for something that was supposedly fully covered. But whatever. At least we don’t have to go to court. SIGH.